In 2007, the manga was adapted into an anime television series, co-animated by Minamimachi Bugyōsho and Tokyo Kids, and produced by Aniplex, SKY Perfect Well Think, and Mainichi Broadcasting System. In 1980 it was adapted into an anime movie, produced by Toei Animation and directed by Hideo Onchi. In 1978, it won the very first Seiun Award for manga, and in 1980 also won the Shogakukan Manga Award for shōnen/shōjo manga (along with Takemiya's Kaze to Ki no Uta). magazine, between January 1977 and May 1980. It was originally serialized in Asahi Sonorama's Gekkan Manga Shōnen Miss may i apologies are for the weak zip download. Toward the Terra (Japanese: 地球 ( テラ )へ…Hepburn: Tera e.) is a Japanese science fictionmanga series by Keiko Takemiya. Science Fiction, supernatural, psychological Cover of laserdisc release of Toward the Terra depicting Soldier SHIN (The Chosen Soldier of Soldier BLUE)